વોટ્સએપ ગ્રુપમાં જોડાઓ ક્લિક કરો

Consider exploring the LIC Jeevan Pragati Plan, a versatile insurance option from LIC, India’s largest and most established life insurance company. This policy caters to individuals of all age groups, offering a unique opportunity to build a substantial fund of 28 lakhs with a modest initial investment of just Rs. 200.

Policy Highlights:

LIC Jeevan Pragati Plan

The LIC Jeevan Pragati Plan is designed to provide both savings and security benefits.
This policy was introduced by LIC on February 3, 2016.
To start, you need to commit to a monthly investment of Rs. 6,000.
After 20 years, the policy matures, and you can enjoy the full benefit of Rs. 28 lakhs.

Key Policy Details:

Minimum Sum Assured: Rs. 1,50,000
Maximum Sum Assured: No limit
Policy Tenure: Between 12 to 20 years
Minimum age to purchase the policy: 12 years
Maximum age to purchase the policy: 45 years
Maximum age for policy maturity: 65 years

Health Benefits: One of the significant advantages of LIC’s Jeevan Pragati Yojana is the health benefits it offers. In the unfortunate event of the policyholder’s demise, their family is entitled to receive death benefits. The amount of the death benefit depends on how long the policy has been active:

Within 5 years: The sum assured
Between 6 to 10 years: 125% of the sum assured
Between 11 to 15 years: 150% of the sum assured
Between 16 to 20 years: 200% of the sum assured
Moreover, you have the option to enhance the policy with additional riders, although this will require an extra premium.

LIC, with its longstanding legacy, consistently introduces policies tailored to various segments of society, from the middle class to high-income earners and even those in the lower middle class. Whether you are a woman, an employed individual, or a parent looking to secure your children’s future, LIC has a policy tailored to your specific needs.

Don’t miss the opportunity to invest in LIC’s Jeevan Pragati Plan and secure your financial future with the confidence of LIC’s renowned reliability and expertise.

By sam

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